GIS & Physical Geography Professor & Chair of the Climate and Health Commission at the International Society of Biometeorology (ISB).
- Biometeorology.
- Health warning systems based on meteorological parameters.
- The use of GIS on Biometeorology: spatial patterns of illneses.
- Medical geography.
- Project Title: The study of the impacts of heat waves on mortality rates in the Basque Country in order to define a warning system to prevent deaths related to heat.
Period 2008 -2010 (open)
Funding Body: Basque Government – Health Department – Public Health
Director: Dr. Pablo Fernandez de Arróyabe - Project Title: Extreme climatic events in the Iberian Peninsula: dynamic and statistical characterization.
Period 2007 – 2010 (open)
Funding Body: Spanish Minister of Science and Technology – Plan Nacional – CICYT
Director: Dr. Domingo Rasilla Alvarez - Project Title: Development of a methodology to design and evaluate sustainability of eco-industrial parks
Period 2004 – 2007
Funding Body: Spanish Minister of Science and Technology BIA2004-000097
Director: Mª Carmen Ruiz Puente - Project Title: Analysis of firings in Cantabria mountains according to the types of atmospheric circulation, land use and geographic location.
Period 2003 – 2006
Funding Body: Spanish Minister of Science and Technology REN 2003 – 07034
Director: Juan Carlos García Codrón. - Project Title: Creating a Lifelong Learning Framework for Geographical Information Systems Education: circumventing a digital divide.
Period: Sep 2004 – Aug 2006
Funding Body: Bologna Desk at Trinity College Dublin
Director: Steve Mc Carron - Project Title: Impacts of Climatic Change in the Central Cantabria Mountains
Period: Jan 2001 – Dec 2001
Funding Body: Spanish Minister of Science and Technology REN 2001 – 1152
Director: Domingo Rasilla - Project: Title: Basque Country Climatology.
Jan 1999 – Dec 2000
Period: Funding Body: Basque Government Water Department & Meteorological Service
Director: Eugenio Ruiz Urrestarazu - Project Title: CLIMAK database: Climatic Data Automation.
Period: Sep 1998 – Dec 1998
Funding Body: Basque Government Water Department & Meteorological Service
Director: Eugenio Ruiz Urrestarazu
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2009) From geographical feature to datasets in ArcGis: Spatial analysis and geographical modeling. Editor TGD- SL Santander – ISBN: 978-84-96926-21-9
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2006) Regionalization of rainfall persistence in the Basque Country based on Markovian models and Geographic Information Systems. Pages 383, Publication by the University of Barcelona. ISBN 84-689-5899-9
Books Editorship
- Rasilla Alvarez, D., Garcia Codron, J. C., Fernandez de Arroyabe, P., Diego, C., Garmendia Pedraja, C. (Editorship) (2006) Climate, between the sea and the mountains. Publications of the Spanish Society of Climatology (Invited Speakers), 2006, Serie B, nº 4.Gráficas Calima, Santander, 40 pp.
- Rasilla Alvarez, D., Garcia Codron, J. C., Fernandez de Arroyabe, P., Diego, C., Garmendia Pedraja, C. (Editorship) (2004) Climate, between the sea and the mountains. Publications of the Spanish Society of Climatology (Proceedings), 2006, Serie A, nº 4 -.Gráficas Calima, Santander, 740 pages.
Book Chapters
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., Lecha Estela ,L. (2008) Validation in Northern Spain of two health warning systems based on the idea of extreme meteorological contrasts. Publications of the Spanish Association of Climatology, Serie A,Nº 6 Pages 781-791 – ISBN 978-84-612-6051-5
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2006) Mapping of the wet spells probability in the Basque Country.
Climate Society and Environment. Publications of the Spanish Association of Climatology. (AEC), 2006, Serie A, nº 5. Zaragoza. ISBN: 84-611-2463-4 - Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2004) Temporal and spatial variability of the influenza rate in Spain and its relationship with atmospheric variables during the period 1997-2002. Publications of the Spanish Association of Climatology. (AEC), 2004, Serie A, nº 4. Santander. ISBN:84-8102-384-1
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2002) Markovian models applied to study of the rainfall persistence as a relative indicator of the climatic change. Publications of the Spanish Association of Climatology. Serie A-Nº 3 Pages: 199-210 Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 84-7632-7-9
Recent Publications
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., Martín Vide, J., (2009) Regionalization of rainfall persistence in the Basque Country. Submitted to International Journal of Climatology (on reviewing process)
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2009) Report on the second meeting of Climate and Health Commission at the 18th ISB Congress in Tokyo 2008 September 22-26th – ISB Biometeorology Bulletin Issue 1, Vol. 13 – Pag. 5 – 6 ISSN 1022-9205
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2009) Report on the first meeting of the Climate and Health Commission at the ISB (Havana) Cuba – Biometeorology Bulletin Issue 1, Vol. 13 – Pag. 6 -7 ISSN 1022-9205
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., Lecha Estela, L., Ciómina de Carvajal, E. (2008) “Development of an international teamwork of Biometeorological Forecast Testers for the validation of Pronbiomet Health Warning System: an applied study”. Proceedings of the 18th ICB – 2008, Human 1 – 014 – Tokyo (Japan)
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2008) “Teaching and learning Geographic Information Technologies in the new higher education model at the European Union” IADIS CONFERENCE, on e-Society – Portugal Pag 131-138
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2008) Report of the VI Congress of Hygiene and Epidemiology, 5-9 November 2007, Havana, Cuba – ISB Biometeorology Bulletin Issue 1, Vol. 12 – Pag. 9 -10 ISSN 1022-9205
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2008) Report on Symposium on Climate Change and Human Health, November 2007 Havana, Cuba ISB Biometeorology Bulletin Issue 1, Vol. 12 Pag. 10-11 – ISSN 1022-9205
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2008) “Attitudes and needs of staff and postgraduate students on Geographic Information Technologies in the new higher education model at the European Union” IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society – e-society ´08 – Editor Piet Komers – ISBN 978-972-8924-55-3
- Ruiz Perez, C., Fernández de Arróyabe, P. et al. (2007) “The development of a new methodology based on GIS and Fuzzy Logic to Locate Sustainable Industrial Areas” The 10th International AGILE Conference
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. et al. (2006) “Virtual divide, Bologna education model and Geographic Information Technologies”, GeoFocus: International Review of Geographic Information Sciences and Technologies. Nº 6, p. 39-51.
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. (2005) “Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Influenza in Northern Spain: from a Bioclimatic to a Biometeorological Approach”. Annalen der Meteorologie. Vol 41. Deutscher Wetterdienst. ISBN 4122/3-88148-405-1
- Ruiz Perez, C., Fernández de Arróyabe, P. et al. (2005) “Development of a Model to Locate Sustainable Industrial Areas: core factors”. International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development EDD-05 – ISBN 960-8457-37-8
- Ruiz Perez, C., Fernández de Arróyabe, P. et al. (2005) “Analysis and Development of Factors to Locate Sustainable Industrial Areas”, WSEAS, Transactions on Environment and Development Issue 2, Vol. 1, pp 258-264. ISSN 1790-5029
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2004) “Climate, weather and flu diagnoses incidence in the region of Santander (Northen Spain) during the 1999-2000 epidemic diffusion period” International Journal of Aerobiologia. Vol. 20, pp 223-228, Kluwer Academic Publisher. Netherlands.
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2004) “GIS technologies applied to the analysis of infectious diseases spatial distribution in Spain”. Spanish National Centre of Epidemiology. Weekly Journal 13 and 14. vol. 12 nº 8, pages 77-88 – ISSN 1135-6286
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., 2002 “La temperature, les types de circulation atmosphérique et le nombre de diagnostics de grippe dans la ville de Vitoria“ (1999-2000) Association Internationale de Climatologie Publications. Vol 14, Page 405 – 412. Seville. Spain.
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. , (2002) “The develop and application of Dibreakib methodology in order to study the relationships between atmospheric dynamic and flu rate in the city of Vitoria in the expansion period of the virus.“ Pages 30–33. Kansas City. 15th Conf. on Biometeorology/Aerobiology and 16th International Congress of Biometeorology. Edited:American Meteorological Society.
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., 2001 Les types de circulation et la dispersion thermique atmosfhérique de haute frécuence comme indicators climatiques dans la gestion des sanitaries ressources. International Association of Climatology Edited : MF PITA Page 151 ISBN : 84-699-5649-3
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P., (2001) “Types of atmospheric circulation and thermal variability incidences on the number of influenza cases in the city of Vitoria: a necessary reflection”. Review: Geographic Researching Volume: 26 Pages: 153-168 Edited: Geographic Institute of Alicante. ISSN: 0213-4619
- Fernández de Arróyabe, P. , 1999 «Evaluation of proverb scientific value as indirect sources of climatic information» Geographic Review: LURRALDE Volume 22 Pages 153-168 Edited: INGEBA Place: Oñate (Spain) ISBN: 0211-5891.
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